Pandorea pandorana
Item Code: Panpan
Price: $4.00
Vigorous Flowering Climber
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online, but can be purchased from the nursery any Friday or Saturday 10am to 1pm
The genus Pandorea pandorana occurs throughout Australia and this species is common in the Sydney region. This a is a wonderful climbing plant with a glorious profusion of flowers in late winter/early spring. The tubular flowers are creamy white and about 2cm long with untidy lobes and in some areas the subspieces P.p.ssp. pandorana have reddish colouring. The leaves are compound with two to four pairs of leaflets and one terminal leaflet. The leaflets of young plants are smaller, serrated and up to eight pairs per leaf.
This is one of the best plants to cover that fence or old shed! It provides a shield of bright green leaves all year and then a show of flowers in spring. The branches can grow very long so with prudent pruning a large thick effective cover or display can be achieved.
Do remember to direct some early branches to grow horizontally so that you have leaves and flowers for the full height and not just woody stems lower down.