We will be at Blackheath with our Street Stall outside the Friendly Grocer, just across from the Ivanhoe Hotel on the first Friday of the month in April, May and June 2024. This is the first year back...
Pollinator Week Event
Saturday 18th November at 11am. The Wildplant Rescue Nursery is excited to be hosting a fabulous event for Pollinator Week 2023. Citizen Scientist and photographer Tessa Barrett will be talking to us...
Garden Working Bee
Please can you volunteer to come and help us get our gardens tidied up? Our regular volunteers are so busy with plant propagation we just haven't managed to keep up with the weeding and new...
HELP Needed!
Please ... if you can spare an hour or two to help out next Tues 18th July or Wed 19th July, or the week after, to clean Banksia seeds, we would love to see you! We are preparing for our spring seed...
Spring Festival, Springwood
Save the Date! September 2nd, 9am-4pm Once again Wildplant will have a stall at the Springwood Spring Festival. Hope to see you all there!
Family Fun Day at Lawson PS
Wildplant Rescue will be at this Funday in Lawson with local native plants for your garden. Come and see us there! BLUE MOUNTAINS COMMUNITY FUN DAY Saturday 3rd September 2022 From...
Springwood Street Stall 3rd September 2022
After several years of cancellations due to COVID19, the Springwood Foundation Day Festival will finally be going ahead on Saturday 3rd September 2022. Wildplant Rescue will have a street stall...